Community Outreach

Abundant Life Church is not just about being a church but being the church. We regularly make it a point to serve our community and meet needs when we are able to. These are some ways that Abundant Life engages as part of our community as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Thanksgiving Food Box Giveaway

ALC takes pride in being the hands and feet of Jesus. Our mission isn't just to get people to come to our church building for a service, but to use the resources God has trusted us with to make a real, tangible impact on peoples lives. We have given away hundreds of boxes of food every Thanksgiving season since 2020. Check our Calendar page for when we will be giving out boxes this year.

Backpack Giveaway

For two years now we have made it a tradition to give backpacks filled with school supplies to families with children. Backpacks are given for both elementary and high school students. Along with the backpack giveaway, we host a picnic for the community to be a blessing.